4 Tips to Finding a New WordPress Theme

The first thing bloggers usually do when first getting set up on a WordPress platform is finding and installing a good WordPress theme. It's been a common practice among bloggers to upgrade their blog design every once in a while because they think the theme is either boring or possibly an outdated design. Finding and installing a new theme takes time to carry out and the process is taking you away from your main blogging activities.

One day you'll take a look at your blog and see that it may or may not need updating. Plus there are always new advancements in coding and plugin/widget requirements. Some of this new stuff will be associated with helping your blog reach higher rankings in the search results that can generate new web traffic every single day.

I have compiled a list of things you can do that can make your WordPress theme hunt a little easier.

1) Adjusting Your WordPress Theme Columns

Most of the time you will have a few choices in how to format your blog columns.

Using a 2-column format is great if you want your readers to focus mainly on your own content. This works best if you're not using any outside links such as Google AdSense or any other text or photo based ads on your blog.

A 3-column format is great if you are blogging for profit. This will accommodate Google AdSense and any other type of text link ads. Your content will be in the middle and the side columns have the space for the paid ads.

2) Branding and Images

Always choose a WordPress theme that allows you to edit the header image. The header is the top part of your blog that can contain your blog name and an image of you or anything you want for your personal branding.

Your theme should not contain too many distracting default images, it can distract your readers away from your content. Some of the top bloggers have minimal distractions using very basic themes.

3) Plugins and Compatibility with Your Theme

There are thousands of different plugins to choose from and it is very daunting to find those you really need. Most will be compatible with many themes but some plugins have certain requirements. Occasionally, plugins ask you to enter code in different places and some can even have compatibility issues with other plugins you have installed.

The simpler looking themes are usually the easiest to work with. If a theme has more features than another, it usually means more work for you over time because there are so many more details to go over and manage.

One of the questions you should ask yourself is, do you want to create content or do you want to learn how to code a website? The latter can take time away from what your first goal is, and that's to create content for your blog.

4) Installation of Your WordPress Theme

Be sure that your new WordPress theme is installed with no hiccups beforehand. Some themes can be an easy transition while some others may need you to move certain elements around. You'll want minimal downtime as you complete this process because it can mean loss of revenue if you are depending on ad income or opt-in leads.

After installing the new theme, click around your live blog to find anything missing or not working right and error messages. You can always switch back to your original theme if things aren't going as planned with the new theme.

On the other hand, you can always outsource the task of installing a new WordPress theme instead of spending your own time on it. There are many web design companies to choose from for the job. This concludes my basic guide to finding a good WordPress theme.


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