Benefits Of Using Premium WordPress Themes

If you have the budget, go for a custom designed WordPress theme instead of settling for a free one. But don't just go to any WordPress theme designers. To get the most out of your theme, make sure you deal with an experienced and SEO-knowledgeable WordPress template developer. Based from experience, a good designer will cost you somewhere between 3K to 5K depending on your design requirements. If you choose to settle for a custom designed WordPress theme, you should understand that sooner or later, you will have to pay for the developer to upgrade your theme in case WordPress releases a newer version. If you're OK with the above, then a custom designed WordPress theme is highly recommended for you. Alternatively, you can settle for the next best thing is Premium WordPress themes.

Using premium themes like Apress, Thesis, Genesis and Catalyst gives you an edge in terms of customization and SEO. These themes are coded by no less than the experts so you can be sure they are compliant to established web standards. They are also compatible to virtually every internet browser so you don't have to worry about how your website will look when viewed in any browser. These are just a few benefits that is available to you if you opt to use a Premium WordPress theme.

Premium WP themes Are Cost Efficient

Cost is one of the reasons why most bloggers and webmasters choose to use Premium WordPress themes over custom designed theme. Although it shouldn't be the case, website owners are limited with their resources. The truth is, to get a good custom designed WordPress theme, it will cost you some money and so, if you are not ready to shell out funds for your WordPress theme, then a Premium theme will do. It will cost you only a fraction of what you pay for a custom designed theme. The problem is, you risk your website's brand if you don't customize it since there will be many of you using the same theme.

Premium themes And Customization

The good news is Premium WordPress themes are easy to customize. In fact, Premium themes' best selling proposition is their "customizability". While the ease of customization varies from one Premium theme to another, they're generally easy to customize without having to deal with codes. This feature is especially appealing to website owners who don't know how to write a code and who just want to concentrate on creating solid content and marketing their products.

Lifetime Updates, Upgrades And Support

While not true to all Premium WordPress themes, a sizeable number does provide lifetime update and upgrade. WordPress continue to improve, hence, the release of newer versions. But with the enhancements and improvements on WordPress, your outdated theme may no longer work as it used to. What's worse, it could potentially inhibit the your website achieving it's full potential.

theme support, another important feature that should be "a-must" for every WordPress theme is not always available to all themes. If you've chosen to use a Premium Template, chances are, that you are receiving all the support that you need. Thesis theme for instance, has got a great support community where you can get all the help you need. A detailed theme documentation that comes with almost all WordPress themes is not enough to get you sailing all by yourself. Some wild customization that you require might not have been documented and so you want someone to help you. This is why support is indispensable.

Search Engine Optimization

Traffic is the lifeblood of every website. In order for your online business to thrive, you need to make sure people are constantly visiting your website. The best route would be from the search engines to your website. Why? Because traffic from search engines are highly targeted, hence, highly convertible. To get a share of traffic from Google, Yahoo and Bing, your website needs to be optimized for them. It's called SEO, short for search engine optimization. Now what has Premium WordPress themes got to do with SEO you ask? Well, SEO starts on your website and it's called on-page optimization. If the WordPress template you're using is poorly coded and confusing to the search engines, then you can't expect much love from them. Unfortunately, this is often the reality that free WordPress theme users have to face. Free WordPress Templates are mostly created by novice designers. Premium WordPress Templates, on the other hand, are usually created by the more experienced and knowledgeable WordPress developers/ designers. And because it's for mass consumption, it would be easy identify the good ones from the mediocre ones. All it takes is a quick search on Google to read reviews and testimonials from current and previous users. For custom designed themes, it's really hard to tell especially if you don't know how to write a code.


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